Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl L50

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,
This last week has been pretty crazy at work & at home with the presence of Super Bowl 50 here in the Bay Area. Last Monday, Izzy & I thought that since we were stuck in traffic so often & had to put up with some of the “benefits” of hosting the big game… why not check out some of the festivities? So we went down to the Embarcadero to see Super Bowl City.
First & foremost though, Izzy & I had the opportunity to see “Deadpool” the other night… a week before released in theatres. Yes, this is yet another comic book / graphic novel / superhero movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe… and I know that a lot of you are tired of them. I’m starting to get there… but there’s some great movies out there… if not just for fun. This movie… is f**king AMAZING!!! Now… it’s rated R for violence, sexual references, language & other content… but if you know anything about the comics, then you already know this. Ryan Reynolds plays Wade Wilson… who’s a wise-cracking mercenary with a heart of gold… but when he’s diagnosed with cancer, he takes part in some experiments to overcome the illness by releasing his recessive mutant genes to help combat the cancer cells. Well… he soon finds out that it’s all a shame to make super soldier slaves… but not before they release some of those powers. He escapes the facility… but due to the process, he’s horribly disfigured so he lives with a blind lady instead of his super hot prostitute girlfriend (Morena Baccarin), and spends a lot of his time hanging with his comic relief bartender buddy (TJ Miller). Well… now he’s full of vengeance to take out the guy who disfigured him (Ed Skrein) and that’s BEFORE he decides to kidnap his girlfriend… yes… making this basically a wisecracking superhuman ninja VENGEANCE movie that’s rated R for violence, sexual references, language & adult content. This movie is basically MADE for me… and probably you if you’re an adult. I HIGHESTLY recommend that you go check this movie out… give it all your money. I would do the pros & cons thing… but there’s really not a whole lot of cons that I can come up with. The story is told is a way that it’s an origin story but keeps you entertained throughout… the acting it good… the effects are okay… the questionable actors (Gina Carano) are kept to a few words at most… it’s basically just a lot of fun & Ryan Reynolds is perfectly cast. This movie… is a THOUSAND times better than his first portrayal of Deadpool in that sh*t snack movie “Wolverine Origins” a few years back that I spent more time talking about my brother being “one of those guys” who talks about how the movie is different from the comics than talking about the movie. It just wasn’t good… and it had Wolverine, Deadpool AND Gambit. Sigh… anyway, a THOUSAND times better. Give this one all of your money. Don’t take the kids. Take the girlfriend.
Back to football... Super Bowl City was… well… to be honest, it was basically a BIG promotional platform for the NFL’s many sponsors… from Bud Light to Pepsi to Hewlett Packard to Verizon Wireless to CBS Sports to anything else that Peyton Manning forgot to mention in his post-game interview. After getting through the security checkpoint, we wandered around to see what was going on… and there was a lot of stuff to buy… but the interesting stuff was little tents / structures where you could see some new promotional technology for a company… we caught a game-winning touchdown pass with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background (that we could then hashtag CBS Sports for a chance to win free junk mail) and there was also a concert venue for free concerts. The night we went, it was a guy named Alomar… never heard of him… not good enough to Google. Alicia Keyes was on Saturday night though… and because it was free, they had to close the doors at 2 PM so that people wouldn’t literally stand on one another. Anyway, here are some pictures…


Friday night, we met up with Izzy’s mom & aunties for some wine sampling & karaoke at Four Fools Winery in Rodeo (near their homes). The venue is small, nice, and very communal. I really liked it. It’s kind of a wine taproom meets a storage facility for other vineyards… but they’re growing so that they can get their own vines one day. We basically spent the first hour or so chatting up with some of the owners… and yeah, they were pretty great. We sampled their wines, had some snacks, and then it was off to the great room to sing “Naughty Girl” like a f**king boss…

Sunday was the big game… so we went to a party with some elderly lesbians (as is the norm most weekends as you may have noticed) but it was hella fun! The party was… not the game… that was actually pretty hard to watch with all the turnovers & sloppy play… but that Denver Defense really took over. Well played guys! That’s really all I’ve gotta say on this game.
Now for the REALLY BIG NEWS from this week. Izzy & I have FINALLY… recorded a PODCAST!!! Yes, it only took like… three months… but we did it. It’s recorded… and should be coming to the internet in the next day or two… and to iTunes shortly after that. Details to come… but again, it’s called “Everything I Learned From Movies” or you can just hashtag #EILFM and it’ll be trending before you know it. Until then, have a great day everybody!!!

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