Monday, May 23, 2016

Movin' & Groovin'

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Yes, even more moving stuff… so not much really interesting to anybody out there… but some other things happened this week.

Tuesday night, Izzy & I started our training to become beer judges through the BJCP (Beer Judge Certification Program) thanks to our teacher, legendary homebrewer & fellow SFHG member Keith Kost and our gracious host & fellow SFHG board member Kevin Inglin at Ferment.Drink.Repeat (opening soon). This introductory class essentially went over the criteria of the scoresheet, the process of judging, and delved into the first few beer styles (essentially lagers & lighter beers… like Pabst Blue Ribbon was one of the tests). During the three hour class, we sampled different types… and basically I learned that I have a LOT to learn, especially in preparation for the blind taste tests and written exam coming up in July. Wish us luck!

Unfortunately that’s really about it this week besides all the other stuff with moving… forwarding addresses, packing up possessions, paperwork, lease forms, roommate BS, all that mess… and you don’t want to hear anything about that. Let’s be honest. If you do… let us know on the podcast because…

Time Travel Month continues on the Everything I Learned from Movies Podcast with our latest installment featuring “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III”. Yes, this is the 1993 movie in which the four legendary heroes go back in time to feudal Japan in order to save their reporter friend April O’Neill. As you may suspect, this movie is absolutely flawless! It’s acting, story, logic, all without reproach. Better than even that… it’s currently streaming on Netflix, so you can check it out, remember it for the first time (bad time travel joke) and let us know what you think. In the meantime, have a great weekend everybody!!!

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