Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Brewing with Elevation 66 - Part Three

Good Afternoon Ladies & Gentlemen,

Earlier today (very early), we met up again with Super Dave & Big Ben to help with another batch of their legendary East Bay IPA at Elevation 66 Brewing. This time, after a little labor, we also brought some of our homebrews to sample... basically they tried the Irish Red Ale, Pumpkin Ale, Bourbon Barrel Porter & Winter Warmer... and the reviews were pretty good. Basically, we didn't f**k any of them up (yay!) though the pumpkin ale had a bit of an odd "Belgian style" flavor to it probably pertaining to some wild yeast... but then again, it's almost five months old now so the Irish Red & Pumpkin may just be losing their good graces & expiring. Basically, they gave us some feedback, congratulated us on our process thus far... and wished us luck in our new adventures... and of course, they don't mind trying some of them in the near future (like our Oktoberfest & Honey Amber coming up soon). Great guys!

Aside from that, no real news this past week other than our 5 Day Cider is going along as planned and already in the process of being prepared for a party this weekend in honor of one of Izzy's friends. We did have one minor mishap with the Honey Amber... apparently the yeast was just TOO active (not necessarily a bad thing) and we got a little bit of a blowout... but as you can see below... we were able to quickly remedy it & our first competition beer is still on its way to becoming award-winning... all we had to do replace the little exhaust contraption at the top...

...with a wider blowoff tube into a saucer of water.
"Jerry Rigg? Doctor Jerry Rigg?"

Have a great weekend everybody!!!

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